Presentation of the Territorial Chamber of Ouargla

Headquarters : Administrative city, Ouargla.

Tel: Fax029.24.30 /


Like the National Chambers, the territorial jurisdiction Chamber of Ouargla (T.C of Ouargla ) was established by Ordinance 95-20 of 19 July 1995 related to the Court of Auditors, amended and supplemented ,by the Ordinance of n°10-02 of 16 August 2010 (Articles 29 and 31), and provided by  Article 09 of Presidential Decree n°95-377 laying down the rules of procedure of the Court of Auditors which specifies the jurisdiction and the territorial coverage of each chamber. Established on December 17th, 1997, its headquarters is temporarily located at the administrative city of the wilaya in the expectation of occupying its new headquarters under construction at the Ennasr city in the chief town of wilaya.

The Territorial Chamber of Ouargla is charged in accordance with Article 31 of Ordinance n°95-20 of 17 July 1995, supplemented and amended, of a posteriori control of the finances, of the territorial authorities of all the public institutions and bodies under its territorial jurisdiction.

Organizationally, the chamber is divided into section accordance with the order of 16 January 1996 the President of the Court of Auditors, specifying the areas of intervention of Territorial Chambers and determining their subdivision into section.

In addition to the prerogatives of the President of the Chamber and the Section President who plans, animates, follows, coordinates, supervises and controls the activities of judges, the latter to the number of seven judges (07: one senior judge, four advisors, tone lead auditor 2nd class have for main missions, the execution of the programs of activity of control of the Territorial Chamber. One (01) Auditor is assigned to help judges in performing their work.

The chamber has a registry provided by a clerk-administrator in charge of the registry of the chamber and a secretariat.

It also includes a support structure responsible for administrative and financial management, composed of eight (08) officers divided between five administrative officers (05) and four (04) individual contractors exercising under the direct hierarchy of a deputy director of the administrative structure, bringing the number of staff to 20 (20: 09 judges, 01 auditor, 06 administrative officers, including the deputy director and 04 individual contractors).

The Territorial Chamber of Ouargla covers six (06) wilayas gathering one hundred and four (104) municipalities, divided as follows:

– Ouargla: twenty-two (22) municipalities;

– Laghouat: twenty-four (24) municipalities;

– Tamanrasset : ten (10) municipalities;

– Illizi (30) municipalities;

– El Oued: thirty (30) municipalities;

– Ghardaia: thirteen (13) municipalities.

The chamber thus covers a total of 214 accounts, including 110 administrative accounts (including 06 wilayas administrative accounts and 104 management accounts).

In addition to the local authorities, the jurisdiction of the chamber also extends to local institutions and public bodies receiving full and partial financial support covered by its jurisdiction.

As part of its duties, and like the eight (08) chambers of the Court of Auditors, the chamber carries out two main objectives namely:

  • It ensures judicial review of local authority management accounts. This control is to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the accounts produced by public accountants of local authorities or public institution within its jurisdiction, and that, during the clearance of these accounts in accordance with the rules of public accounting.

This type of control may lead, where appropriate, to the personal and financial liability of public accountants, under the conditions set out in Articles 75 and following of Ordinance n°95-20 of 17 July 1995, amended and supplemented.

  • It controls the quality of management through the proper employment of resources, funds, values ​​and material resources by the local authorities and public bodies that depend on them. In this context, it appreciates their management in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and economy. After the completion of its controls, it recommends any improvement measures necessary to guarantee performance in the management of local finances.

If during the investigations, the Chamber raises facts that may be characterized as criminal offenses or facts constituting a serious breach of the legislative provisions and regulatory provisions causing harm to the public treasury or a public body, depending on the situation, a detailed report is drawn up for its transmission to the territorially competent public prosecutor in the case of facts relating to the criminal case or referred to the Budget and Finance Disciplinary chamber(CDBF) as regards facts falling within the scope of the application of the provisions of Articles 88 and 91 of the aforementioned Ordinance.

Within its jurisdiction and through the exercise of its function, the Chamber also contributes to strengthening prevention and fighting against the various forms of fraud and illegal or illicit practices, constituting breaches of ethics and duty of probity or undermining the assets or public funds, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 2 and 26 of the above-mentioned Ordinance, amended and supplemented, by Ordinance n°10-02 of 26 August 2010.

In addition, and in order to promote transparency in the management of local finances and to improve the efficiency and performance of the local public services, the final results of the audit carried out by the chamber and notified to the relevant officials, must be communicated by the latter to the deliberative bodies of the local authorities (APC/APW), which inform the Court of Auditors of this communication..