The second chamber is the reorganization of the Court of auditors introduced by Presidential Decree n° 95-377 of 27 Joumada Ethani 1416 corresponding to November 20th, 1995 laying down the rules of procedure of the Court of Auditors.
The decree of the President of the Court of Auditors of 25 Chaabane 1416 corresponding to January 16th, 1996, specifies in its article 3, the area of intervention of the Chamber and the sections related thereto, including a single operational section, covers the entire area of intervention of the Chamber.
Field of competences of the Chamber
The area of intervention of the 2nd chamber covers the sector of public authority and national institutions and covers the following institutions and bodies related to it:
– Presidency of the Republic;
– Services of the first ministry;
– Ministry of National Defense;
– Ministry of the Interior and the local authorities;
– Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
– Ministry of Justice;
– Ministry for Relations with Parliament
– National institutions
2nd chamber staff
Mr. Ammar SAB: President of Chamber
Mr Ikhlef Yessad: Section President
The following judges
Ms. Fatima Saadou: 4th group of the judicial hierarchy
Mr. Mourad RECHOUM: 4th group of the judicial hierarchy
Mr. Houari TALEB: Senior Auditor
Mr. Abderrazak MADANI: first-class Auditor
Mr. Fateh ALLEM: First-Class Auditor
Mr. Miloud BENAZEIZ: second-class Auditor
Mr. Abdelhalim Mefti: second-class Auditor
Mr. Abdelkader ZAOUI: second-class Auditor
Mr. Noureddine Bouslimani: second-class Auditor
Mrs. Samia MAZARI: second-class Auditor
The following auditors
Ms. Houria LEDRAA: Senior Auditor
Mr. Lamine OUENAS: Auditor
The Registry
Ms. Fatiha OULED BEN SAID: Divisional clerk
The Secretariat
Mrs. Djamila IDOUGHI: Main Executive Secretary
Mrs. Hind LENOUAR: Main Executive Secretary.